

Monday English

Read the poem to your child. Or watch and listen to Mrs Burrough reading the poem following the link.  This will be uploaded at some point on Monday as the file was too large to upload from home. 

Read it a few times and talk about what the little boy is doing with his footprints in each season.  Talk about the seasons winter and spring. What happens in each of these seasons and what different activities we can do in each.  Use the display pack as a stimulus too if you wish.  I have also attached a word bank to help with vocabulary of the seasons. 

You may want to talk about the colours you see in each season. What do the children notice about the trees?  During winter some of the trees don’t have their leaves but some trees keep their leaves all year round.  Introduce the children to the word deciduous to describe a tree that loses its leaves over winter and evergreen for a tree that keeps its leaves all year. You could talk about the animals in each season and use the word hibernate to talk about hedgehogs and other animals that hibernate during the winter months.  You could talk about birds migrating to warmer countries in autumn time, for example when swallows come back from Africa in April and May.  Some birds come to the UK over winter because our winters aren’t as cold for example, redwing and fieldfares come from Eastern Europe over the winter. If you go in the countryside you might see these birds now. 

Draw and label a picture of winter and a separate picture of spring.  At school we will talk about winter first then draw our winter picture. Then we will come back together to talk about spring before drawing our spring picture.  This is a fabulous opportunity to teach your children new words that they can use.  Please take a photo of your child’s drawings so I can take a photo and put them on Tapestry.

Once your child has drawn their pictures, encourage your child to talk about what they like to do in each season of these seasons. Practise using any new words so they understand what they mean.

Tuesday English

Read the poem again. Try and encourage your child to memorise the poem by reading a few lines at a time and then they read them back to you.

Repeat yesterday’s activities but today talk about summer and autumn.  Use some of the resources attached if you wish, to stimulate the talking.

Draw and label a picture of summer and one of autumn.  Please take a photo of your child’s drawings so I can take a photo and put them on Tapestry.

Wednesday English

Read the poem again. Try and encourage your child to memorise the poem by reading a few lines at a time and then they read them back to you.

Read the first verse of the poem. What is the little boy doing in the picture? Yes, he is making footprints in the snow.

Ask your child, "What do you like doing in the winter time?" 

Look back at your picture from Monday about winter.  What happens in the winter? What do you like doing in winter? Then encourage your child to think of a sentence starting ‘In the winter….’ To help your child you could encourage them to think of something they see, so they could say, ‘In the winter, I can see frosty fields.’ Or they could think of something they like to do, ‘In the winter I like to jump in icy puddles.’  Once your child has a few ideas and they can talk about what they like to do or what they like to see they can write a sentence. This will be the first verse of their own Seasons Poem.  Ask them to say their sentence out loud before they write. As they write each word, help your child spell the words correctly.  Year one should try to write two or three sentences about each season.

Repeat the activity above so they can talk about what they like to do in the spring.  It may be something they see or something they like to do.  Once they have thought of something and they have verbalised what they want to write they can write the second sentence.  This will be the second verse of their poem.  Year one should try to write two or three sentences about each season.  Please take a photo and upload onto Tapestry so I can see what they have written.

Thursday English

Read the poem again. Try and encourage your child to memorise the poem by reading a few lines at a time and then they read them back to you.

Today we are writing a verse for summer and a verse for autumn.

Repeat yesterday’s activity talking about what happens in in each of these seasons.  And then once you have talked a lot you can encourage your child to think of something to write about for each one.   ‘In the summer/autumn I like to…’ or ‘In the summer/autumn I can see….’.  Again, year one should write two or three sentences about each season. 

Your child should now have a sentence for each season for their own season poem. Please take a photo and upload onto Tapestry so I can see what they have written.

Friday English

Today your child is going to practise reading their poem that they wrote over the last few days and so that they can read it confidently. Please record them reading their poem and upload it onto Tapestry. We will share it with the children in school after the weekend.