
Home learning week beginning 11th May


Dear Woodpeckers,

I hope you are all well and are enjoying the work we have been doing over the last few weeks. Carry on using the phonics and adding games and any of the other activities that you have not yet completed. Make sure you keep singing and dancing with Mrs Stonnex on music seeds, super movers and go noodle. All of the links are on the website and the Facebook page. 


Here are some more exciting activities to do with your parents. Lots of you have said that you cannot access a printer for the work which has been set. For this week I have included lots of ideas for things which you can do without printing anything out as well as ones which you can just use your exercise books to write in the answers or what you have been doing. 



  • Please continue to practice your times tables on TTRock stars. Also practice counting any objects in 2's, 5's and 10's. 
  • There are also some new maths activities included below 
  • Practise counting forward and backwards to 100 from any number not just 0!
  • Use the number square in your pack to help with your counting forwards and backwards. Also use the questions which your parents can use to challenge you in your learning. The more you do this the better you will be at counting!



  • Well done those of you who are reading at home. Please continue to use Bug Club to read books and to play the phonics games set by Miss Wood.  Well done to all who are working on this. 
  • There are 2 poems attached below. You can choose to do one or both of them. read them and come up with actions for the poem. Can you learn a verse off by heart?
  • There is also a reading activity attached below. If you do not have a printer you can read it online and write the answers down in your books.



  • If you cannot print off the phonics you can do it on the computer or write it out in your exercise book
  • Practice your sounds using your cards or an online game or video 



  • Use the sheet or write in your notebooks a set of instructions. This could be to some cooking which you do or a game which you play. Use your tricky words and your sounds to help you with your spelling. 
  • You could also write your own story in your notebooks.  
  • The handwriting is attached on a sheet below but you can copy it into your notebooks 


  • Science this week I would like you to watch the videos about different animals on BBC bitesize (https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z6svr82) then draw one picture of an animal in each of the animal classes either in your book or on the sheet below. 
  • The topic and RE you can either do on the sheet provided on a plain piece of paper


Any extra work you do whether it is a maths game, some writing, cooking or any other activities you are doing at home make sure you draw, write it down or take a picture of it and put it in your book so that you can share them with us.


Miss Wood :)