
Home Learning week beginning 15th June

Hello Kestrels and Kestrel's families,
Home schooling is lasting much longer than any of us thought it would and it is looking unlikely that we will be back in the classroom together this term. I would like to be able to regularly see some of your home learning so that I can see what has been completed and how you are getting on.
So this week, please can you photograph or upload in anyway you choose at least 3 of the English tasks and 3 of the maths tasks and send it in an email to the school marked 'For Mrs Fudger'. 
If sending an electronic copy of the work is tricky then you can drop off  or post the work to school for me to look at.
You can also post it on the school facebook page if you would like.
I will be asking for the topic work to be uploaded once we have got to the end of our study - towards the end of term.
Spellings - Keep learning those words - 5 to 10 at a time. If you are confident I have included a crossword for you to have a go at!
Timestables - Year 4's, once you have learn all the multiplication facts for your tables up to 12 x 12, have a go at the division facts. You can use hit the button, TT rockstars or mathsframe has some free times tables games on as well as the test to practice with. I have added some of the links below.
This week I have put on the next 5 chapters of Krindlekrax, you can read them yourself or you can click the link to listen to me reading the chapter to you! 
Remember I would like you to send me with photos or typed answers for at least 3 of the tasks.
This week is all about mass - how much things weigh. I would like you to use grams and kilograms where possible. There are lots of practical tasks as well this week.
Remember I would like you to send me photos or some form of record for at least 3 of the tasks. This could be a photo of the computer screen showing me the activity you are completing, or a photo of you and the items you found at the end of the scavenger hunt.
I hope you enjoyed finding out about the food in your chosen country.
This week I would like you to find out the answers to these questions - remember you can record your answers in anyway you wish to.
  • Are there any mountains in your country? If so, where abouts (north, south, east, west)? How tall is the tallest mountain in your country - does it have a name?
  • Are there any rivers in your country? Choose the longest or the most famous one to find out 3-5 facts about it.
  • Are there any large forests or deserts in your country? Describe where they are and any other facts about them.
  • Are there any other natural features in your country that are special for example caves, beaches, sand dunes, glaciers, volcanoes?
Science - An optional fun experiment
I know many of you have been enjoying the science experiments I have put on here, so here is another one to try. See if you can get it to work! This one shouldn't be too messy!!!!!