
Home learning week beginning 18th May 2020

Hello Kestrels,
I am so pleased to see so many of you enjoying the books on bug club - keep it up! 
This week please take the opportunity to review the learning resources we have shared so far and use your time to access those you haven't used already or have been particular favourites.
If you haven't had a chance to complete the English tasks from last week, PLEASE make that a focus for this week. After half term our English work will continue with the book Krindlekrax and it will be tricky if you haven't read the first part! I hope that you will enjoy this story - it has some good cliffhangers.
It will be a chance to review some of the tasks your child has completed and perhaps notice that skills and knowledge have been remembered or perhaps you will notice improvements.
At the same time PLEASE continue with the fantastic reading, spelling and times tables work. 
 Keep up the good work. 
Mrs Fudger