
Home Learning week beginning 20 April 2020

Hello Kestrels!
I hope you are finding creative and fun ways to continue your learning. I have added some new ideas and areas of learning to work on below.
Times tables
Please continue to work on your timetables, use TT rockstars or hit the button.
Year 3  Aim to learn your times and divide facts for your 2,3,4,5,8,10 x tables.
Year 4 Aim to learn all your times tables. Check your progress using the test we practised at school. Search for mathsframe timestables check. Your target is to get to over 20 by the end of the school year!
This week, continue on from our last week together and learn to tell the time. 
Learn to tell the time on an analogue clock ( a clock with hands ). Learn how to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes then the nearest minute. Use the resources to make a clock at home, practise making different times. 
In the resource section there is a board game to help you with this. There is a website game to play if you are unable to print out the game to play, or you could make your own game to play to practise reading the time. 
Once you have learnt to tell the time on an analogue clock, try learning to tell the time using a digital and 24 hour clock. There are some resources to use to help with this.
Think up some 1 minute, two minute and five minute challenges and complete them. ( Can you stay silent for 5 mins ?!! ).  
If you have mastered telling the time I have put on 2 time problem challenges for you to have a go at!   Be warned they are tricky!!!!!!! You might need to make a clock face to help work them out!
Keep reading each day - don't forget once you have finished your book, log into active learn there are lots of new and interesting books for you to choose from there, a mix of fiction and non-fiction. If you have lost your login and password, email the office and I can remind you of it.
Continue adding to your diary - remember it can be in pictures as well as words.
Poetry. I have added 2 school based poems to the resource section. 
The first poem has an activity on the page to go with it.
The second poem has the activity on a separate resource sheet.
Keep working on your spelling list. Learn the words in groups of 5. Remember you can be as creative as you like to help spell them - sing the letters, paint the words, make the words out of lego, spell them as you jump up and down, make the words using scrabble tiles. Write the word - cut it up into letter groups and match back together. 
We were learning to read and write grid references. Make a map of an imaginary land, add in some interesting features. Draw over a grid or use the attached resource sheet to draw on. Write down the grid references of the features you added. If you don't want to draw a map, make an imaginary land on your floor or outside, lay over pieces of string or wool to make the grid. Write the grid references of the things in your land. You can photograph your land to show me before you tidy it away!
Watch the BBC video clip on shadow puppets. Have a go at making your own shadow puppets to tell a story. Choose a simple traditional tale for example Jack and the Beanstalk or make up your own story to tell! Photograph your shadow puppets to show me.