
Owl Class - Home Learning 29th June 2020

Dear Owls,
Thank you for sharing your learning with me from last week.  Please continue to do so each week. 
Here is your home-learning for this week.  I have separated the English and Phonics activities.  It is important to select one of the phonics activities to complete this week in addition to English to revise some of the spelling rules we have focused on this year. 
Reading - Continue with Bug Club or books from home.
Maths - Complete 3 of the activities
-Measures Y1/2 (for day 1 and 2 please measure the objects in cm as this is expected in Y2 to use standard units of measure).
-Measure Y3/4
-Log onto Sumdog or TTRS. Don't forget the Sumdog contest starts this FRIDAY 3rd July!
English - Complete 3 of the activities
-Watch 'A Cloudy Lesson' video clip and write some speech for the characters.  Use the storyboard below.  There are speech and thought bubbles.
-Look at the emotions - organise them from saddest to happiest.  Then watch the video clip.  How many of these emotions/attitudes feature?  
-Complete the point of view sheet, imagining you are the boy from the clip.
-Complete the Homophones sheet.
Phonics - Complete 1 activity
-Complete silent 'e' words + ing and ed
-eigh, ey and ei words
-Play 'Pond life plurals' on Phonics play. 
-Play 'Planetary plurals' on Phonics play.
-Read Crazy Cacti and answer the questions.
-Visit the Met Office website and try a weather experiment.  Don't forget to ask an adult to help you first
-#30DaysWild BINGO!
-Take a look at the random acts of wildness ideas - #30DaysWild throughout June.  There are a few days left this week.
-Go Noodle @ home
Have a good week :)
Miss Burnell