
Owl Class - Home Learning 8th June 2020

Dear Owls hello.  It was lovely to speak to lots of you on the phone last week.  You have been busy in the garden, planting seeds and tending to the flowers and vegetables, collecting natural objects, drawing, learning about bees, pond dipping, learning spellings, cloud spotting and practising time tables plus reading lots on Bug Club!  Please continue to keep up the great work.  Try to upload any work onto Facebook if you can to inspire others and celebrate your work.
I hope that you have enjoyed listening to The Cloud Spotter?  A lot of this week's work relates to this book.  Franklin loves the clouds, have you managed to spot any yourself?  The weather has been a little bit more varied so there have been a few more clouds.
This week our work continues about the weather and plants:
-Have a go at the online ​game​ for subtraction facts up to 20.  Aim to try this 10 mins a day to improve your mental maths.
-Choose a number between 1 and 50.  How many ways could you make the number using subtraction?  For example 25, 50-25=25   30-5=25   27-2=25 and so on...  
-Write a subtraction number bond to or within 10 - e.g. 9 - 4 = 5 or 7 - 2 = 5. Can you use these facts to find out the subtraction facts up to 100? E.g. 90 - 40 = 50 and 70 - 20 = 50.
-Practise different ways to subtract by playing Subtraction Grids on Topmarks.  There are lots of activities to choose from.
-Try the Phonics website below.  Revise Phase 5 phonics.  You can choose specific phonemes but by clicking 'revise all'  they are all included.  Play games 'Odd and Bob', 'Phonics Frog' and within Phase 6 'Suffix Factory'.
-Continue with the Common Exception words for Year 2 and Year 3.
-The word ‘​cloud​’ contains the sound ‘​ou​’.  Try to list as many words as you can containing the ‘​ou’ ​sound​. ​You might identify words that contain an alternative spelling for ‘​ou​’ such as ​ow.  Sort them into two columns.
-Read regularly - either books from home, on Bug Club or other online reading programmes.  Some of you are now ready to move onto the next book band so check Bug Club to see new books in your library.
-Write a story about some of the cloud formations in the illustrations from the book.
-Alternatively use my unicorn picture to plan your own story or even some of the cloud pictures you have taken in the sky over the last week.  Plan your writing first. 
-Make a list of words and phrases that could be used to describe clouds.
-Complete a weather diary for the week.  Record the weather at the same times throughout the day.
-Create your own picture or paintings of different cloud formations.  Could you go outside and paint the clouds today?
-Fruits and Seeds - investigate how many seeds are in the fruits we eat!
-Take a look at the plants knowledge organiser.  Can you read all of the key vocabulary?  What do plants need to grow well?  Take a look at the life cycle of a plant. 
-#30DaysWild - Listen to the wild sounds around and complete a 'Natural Sounds Map'.
Have a good week :)
Miss Burnell