


Practise reading the sounds/phonemes from phase 3 and sounds learnt so far in phase 5.

Teach reading the word, ‘again’.

Review pronunciation of the phoneme/sound ‘u’ by reading the words under, fun, but & sudden.

Teach that the letter u can also be pronounced like the word ‘you’ in the words unit, music, stupid and human.  Practise reading the words unit, music, stupid & human.

Practise writing the words: human, stupid & tuba.

Read the sentence, ‘I like loud music’.


Practise reading and spelling the high frequency words in phase 4 and those learnt already in phase 5.

Teach reading the high frequency word, ‘different’

Revise reading the ‘ow’ phonemes in the words, clown, down & howl.

Teach that the ‘ow’ phoneme can be pronounced like in the ow of the word throw.  Read the words snow, crow, pillow, elbow & elbow. 

Using the words snow, crow, pillow elbow and throw make up some sentences. 

Write the sentence, ‘The window is low.’


Practise reading the sounds in phase three and those learnt so far in phase 5.

Practise spelling the tricky word one.

Review the pronunciation of the sounds ie like in the words pie, lie & tie.

Teach the alternative pronunciation of ie like in the words chief, field, thief, yield & shield.

Listen to the words yield, pie, belief, tie & chief and sort them into two columns, one where ie says ie as in pie and one where ie says ie as in chief.

Read the sentence, ‘The chief had a shield.’ 


Practise reading high frequency words and spelling the high frequency words learnt in phase 4 and those in phase 5.

Teach the homographs (words that have the same spelling but are pronounced differently or have different meanings) bow (as in take a bow), bow (a bow that you put in your hair) and row (as in row the boat), row (as in having a row - argument).

Ask your child to write two sentences one for each pronunciation of bow and row.

Write the sentence ‘Slow down!’


Practise reading high frequency words and spelling the high frequency words learnt in phase 4 and those in phase 5.

Teach spelling the word ‘make’

Teach reading the polysyllabic (words that have more than one syllable) words using words with alternative pronunciations of u, ow and ie.

Read the words universe, unicorn, downstairs, snowman & fielding.

Play buried treasure on phonics play in phase 5 using the ie phoneme.