Woodpeckers enjoyed a lovely visit to Axminster library yesterday.
They walked very sensibly to the library and listened to the Librarian explain how the library works, when it is open, and which books they could choose. They were excited to hear that a Lego club runs in the library on Saturday mornings!
Some children in Woodpeckers already had a library card; some had sent in registration forms before the visit and were given their new card while we were there. If your child doesn't have a library card, you can either collect a copy of the letter and form from school (we can even take it down to the library for you) or you can collect one from the library.
Woodpeckers also found out about the free Book Quest Reading Challenge, which sounds very exciting because you can earn certificates and badges! All the children were given an information postcard to take home.
All the books which were borrowed yesterday are due back on October 15. If you are not able to get to the library before then, please bring the book to school and we will return it for you.