


Whatever Next

Listen to Mrs Burrough read the story, 'Whatever Next!'

After listening to Mrs Burrough read the story, ask some of the following questions so your child has a good understanding of the story.  If you need to, listen to parts of the story again. I have also attached a power point of the story if you want to use it. You may think of your own questions that you might like to ask. 

  • What is Baby Bear looking at on the first page?
  • Why do you think Baby Bear wants to go to the moon?
  • Why is Mrs Bear saying he can’t go to the moon?
  • What do you think he thinks he will find there?
  • What did Baby Bear find under the stairs?
  • What did he use for the space helmet?  Why does he need to wear a space helmet?
  • Why do you think Baby Bear wants to go to the moon? What did he pack for the journey?
  • What was his journey like? Who did he meet on his journey? How do you think that made him feel?
  • What was it like on the moon?
  • What did Baby Bear do on the moon?
  • What happened to Baby Bear on his journey home?
  • What did Mrs Bear think of Baby Bear after he got home?
  • What did Baby Bear do at the end of the story? Why did he need a bath?
  • Would you like to go to the moon?  How would you get to the moon? What would you do when you got there? 

Encourage your child to make their own rocket or spaceship to get to the moon.  You could use things around the house like cushions and bed sheets  so your child can get in it or you could use Lego or sticks and other natural materials from outdoors to make you own rocket. Role-play travelling to the moon.


Read the story again. Recap some of the questions from yesterday to check understanding of the story.

If you were going to the moon what would you take?

Encourage the children to think of things that they would take to the moon.

Write a list of what they would take to the moon. Let the children segment the words (sound them out) so they know which sounds to write.  Help them write the words correctly. You can use the attached rocket writing frame if you wish.

After your child has written their list about what they would take to the moon, think about what they would include in a picnic. 

If we went for a picnic on the moon what would we take?  Make a new list of the food for a picnic. What would you put in your sandwiches? (We will be making the sandwiches tomorrow)