
Maths - Alive in 5 - Week 3

Please follow the lessons Alive in 5! - Week 3 on the White Rose website doing one session each day.
On Friday last week we were looking at hidden numbers up to 5 where we counted out for example 4 objects and hid some in a container and then worked out from how many were outside the container, how many were inside.  We are going to keep practising that this week in school as it can be quite tricky.  If you ask your child to show on their fingers how many objects there are altogether and then put down the number of fingers to represent the objects that we can see outside of the container your child can see on their fingers how many are hidden. Eventually being able to do this without using our fingers to help us is the aim.  This is only achieved with practise.  Good luck!
I would love to see how you get on with your maths this week on Tapestry. Thank you for posting.
Mrs Burrough