
RE - Monday


The Presentation Story

Look the picture that goes with the story, ‘Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple’.

Tell the children this story as you look at the picture…

Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem They wanted to represent him to God and thank God for giving them their lovely boy.

Whilst they were there they met two people, Simeon and Anna. They went to the Temple every day to pray. Simeon took Jesus in his arms and gave thanks to God. He said a prayer over Jesus and blessed Mary and Joseph. He said Jesus was like a light to help people. Anna was delighted to see Jesus and gave thanks to God for him.

Afterwards Mary and Joseph took Jesus home to Nazareth.

Ask the children the following questions…

  • Who do you see in the picture?
  • Why did Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple?
  • Who were the people that they met?
  • Why did Simeon and Anna go to the Temple?
  • What did Simeon do?
  • Why do you think Simeon and Anna were so pleased to meet Jesus?
  • What did Mary and Joseph do after they left the Temple?

Write your child’s responses down and post on Tapestry with one of the following activities.

Choose one of the following activities to consolidate the story…

  • Have a dark box or bag and shine a torch into it to see what difference it makes. Reiterate and explain Simeon’s words that Jesus is like a light.
  • Make cardboard candles with tissue paper flames. Ask children what did Simeon say about Jesus? (Jesus is the light of the world)
  • Use small word play to re-enact the story, encourage the children to recognise the people in the story and what they did.