
Science - Friday

ess seed investigation (or other fast growing plant)
For your science this week please could you investigate what plants need to grow.
Please discuss with your child what they think plants need to grow healthily. Can they think of a way to test their ideas?
If possible, please put a few seeds in a container in the dark, a few in a container and do not water, a few on cotton wool and water and place in the sunlight. Place another pot of seeds in soil and in sunlight and water regularly. Please check the seeds regularly and ask your child to talk about what they observe. We would love to see what happens so please post a photo on Tapestry.
Another fun idea is to make a cress head using the following instructions:
Egg shells
 Tissue or Cotton Wool
 Cress seeds
1. First, prepare your eggshells. When you’re cooking and eating them, try to crack them towards the top, leaving as much as possible un-cracked at the bottom. This needs to look head shaped.
 Now carefully clean the inside out if there are any eggy bits left inside. 
2. Cut the tissue up into small squares so that you can put it inside the egg without cracking the shell. Cotton wool is also good. Fill the egg up to about 1cm below the rim of the shell.
3. Moisten the tissue/cotton wool thoroughly – right the way through. 
4. Cover tissue/cotton wool with a layer of seeds . Place the eggs in the light and water regularly.
5. Once the seeds have started growing, draw a funny face onto the shells and watch as the cress hair grows. 
6. When the cress is fully grown, you can chop it off and use it in some delicious egg sandwiches!