
Wriggly Writers

Wriggly Writer Activities for this week.

Please choose one to do each day.

Write the long ladders in your best handwriting.  You can watch the BBC long ladders video first if you wish. 

Snowflake cutting activity.

Paper plate weaving activity. If you don’t have a paper plate, cut a circle out of a cereal box.  If you don’t have wool, you can weave cut up bits of fabric or you weave with a paper loom. See attached for how to make the loom ready for your child to weave the paper through.

Practise writing your name with correct letter formation. Practise writing the phase 2 high frequency words. Choose about 5 words to practise.

Using a word bank to write a simple sentence or sentences about winter. See attached. Maybe just choose one or two pictures unless your child is keen to write lots of sentences!