If you are interested in your child joining us, either in our main intake into Reception or at any other time, please do come along and visit us. If you would like to make an appointment to visit, please contact Vanessa Moseley at the school or email admin@stmarysaxminster.devon.sch.uk
If we can make a place available to you then we will. If not, you would have the right to appeal to a panel that is independent of the school and we would place your child’s name on a waiting list for vacancies.
We have our own admissions policy because we are an Academy school and have responsibility for admissions decisions. Our policy is reviewed every year.
If we have a vacancy then all children are welcome to join us. If we are oversubscribed, we still welcome all children but give priority to particular groups:
Over subscription Criteria
1. Looked After Children or previously Looked After Children who were immediately adopted or made the subject of a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order.
2. Children for whom an exceptional medical or social need to attend this school is demonstrated.
3. Children who are Baptised Catholic.
4. Children with at least one parent who is a Baptised Catholic.
5. Children with a sibling on roll at this school when the application is made.
6. Children with at least one parent who is enrolled on a programme of preparation for Baptism into the Catholic Church when the application is made.
7. Children who regularly attend (or whose parent regularly attends) a Christian church.
8. Children who regularly attend (or whose parent regularly attends) a church of another faith tradition.
9. Children with a parent who seeks education within the Catholic tradition.
10. Children of members of staff employed at this school for more than two years when the application is made or recruited within the past two years to fill a vacancy for which there was a skills shortage.
11. Other children.
In the event of a tie in any category places will be determined based on
a. Siblings
b. Straight-line distance from home to school
c. Random ballot
We only use these oversubscription criteria when we are oversubscribed. For full details of our admission arrangements, please look at our admissions policies.
We take part in the co-ordinated admissions schemes of Devon County Council which help parents to make applications for admission to school. Parents can apply through Devon for in-year admissions and through the local authority where the child lives for the normal round of admissions. We will also ask you to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) with confirmation from a priest or minister to demonstrate that your child should have higher priority on faith or staff grounds. The SIF is included in the policy documents.