

We are delighted to welcome you to St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. 

We take great pride in our school where the teachers, staff and governors work together to ensure the school is a place where our children are enthusiastic to learn, build friendships and are safe. We offer the children of Axminster and surrounding areas a Catholic education, welcoming children of all faiths and beliefs who are ready to embrace our values.


All governors are expected to attend the Local CAST Board (LCB)meetings which take place regularly throughout the year.   All matters of business, arising outside scheduled meetings, are reported to all the governors at the next appropriate full LCB meeting.


Minutes of meetings are publicly available to request a copy of meeting minutes, please contact our Clerk to Governors by emailing Claire Silverlock, at clerk@olcs.uk


What do Governors do?
School governors help schools provide the best possible education for their pupils:
  • thinking and working strategically to help raise standards; 
  • monitoring and evaluating progress towards the school's priorities and targets; 
  • supporting the head and staff as well as challenging their expectations; 
  • accounting to all stakeholders for the school's overall performance and for the decisions they have made. 
Foundation Governors
As a Catholic School, we have Foundation Governors on the Local CAST Board (LCB) along with Staff and Parent Governors. Foundation Governors are personally appointed by the Bishop to represent his interests and those of the Catholic community as a whole. As well as sharing the responsibility of the three core functions, Foundation Governors are appointed specifically to ensure:
  • the religious character of the school is preserved 
  • the school is conducted in accordance with its trust deed 
  • that the religious education curriculum is in accordance with the Bishop's policy for the Diocese.


Dates of Local CAST Board Meetings for 2024/25

Tuesday 22nd October 2024 at 6pm

Tuesday 10th December 2024 at 6pm

Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 6pm

Tuesday 1st April 2025 at 6pm

Tuesday 20th May 2025 at 6pm

Tuesday 15th July 2025 at 6pm


All meetings take place in school.


Parent Views

The Governors and Staff encourage all parents to complete the annual parent questionnaires. Parents’ views are welcome and valued and your feedback assists the school evaluate its effectiveness. In addition, governors encourage all parents to visit the website operated by OFSTED that allows parents to upload their views about the school. The website address is:  www.parentview.ofsted.gov.uk



Claire Silverlock, Clerk to Governors
