Pupil premium is additional funding to ensure that those children who qualify are given every opportunity to achieve their potential.
National data collated over time evidences that this group of pupils can face additional barriers and the funding works to support actions to overcome any barriers.
At St Mary's we have worked to ensure that every child is treated as an individual and has the opportunity to thrive. Inclusion does not mean treating every child the same; it means understanding and meeting their needs as individuals.
We work from national research to put in place the most effective strategies to support and develop this group of pupils. Significantly our actions are shaped by research from The Education Endowment Trust. (EEF ) who share constantly updated research that ensures that this pupil group and ways to remove barriers are understood and identified.
St Mary's has established an effective strategy to close gaps and ensure that this pupil group thrive.
Ofsted July 2019
Leaders are forensic in their use of additional funding. As a result, disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well from their different starting points. ◼
Pupil premium funding is used successfully to support disadvantaged pupils to make good progress. The very large majority of pupils make strong progress and achieve the same standards as other pupils nationally.